Conquering PTSD: Tips From a NY Psychiatrist

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) impacts a significant part of the American population. If you’ve experienced a traumatic event and you just cannot cope, let your local psychiatrist give you some tips to conquer your symptoms and experience a full life once again.

Symptoms of PTSD

While numerous people experience one or more extremely stressful events in their lifetimes, most recover with no appreciable impact in their familial relationships, work, or activities of daily living. However, for many soldiers, first responders, and individuals who have experienced a personal catastrophe, recovery comes far too slowly or even, not at all.

When suffering extends beyond three months, psychiatrists may confirm a diagnosis of PTSD. Both adults and children with PTSD struggle with a wide range of difficult symptoms, including:

  • Flashbacks of the traumatic event
  • Anxiety symptoms, including panic attacks, palpitations, and sweating
  • Avoidance of people or places which stir up memories of the event
  • Depression
  • Poor sleep and eating habits (too little or too much)
  • Self-isolation
  • Risky behaviors, such as fast driving, drinking, and taking drugs
  • Recurring thoughts about the trauma
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Being easily startled
  • Outbursts of extreme anger

Fortunately, more and more mental health professionals and support groups recognize these symptoms and their prevalence in today’s society. If you need help with PTSD, here are some tips to conquer it from your local psychiatrist, Dr. Mark Stracks.

Tip #1 Realize that it’s ok to reach out for help.

Sometimes, self-validating your feelings is very freeing. What you experienced is real, and your reaction is understandable. Now is the time to learn how to deal with your feelings in healthy ways.

Tip #2 Stick with your usual routines as much as possible, even if you don’t want to.

Your job, your circle of friends, your hobbies — they all contribute to feelings of normalcy. While you may not be interested or completely effective in such things, stick with them, and give a positive shape to each day. Set and achieve smaller, workable goals.

Tip #3 Relax as much as possible.

Take planned breaks throughout the day to meditate, pray, or just go for a short walk. These small things do a lot toward decompressing anxious moods and dispelling disturbing thoughts.

Tip #4 Resolve life’s smaller problems quickly.

Small issues, such a conflict with a co-worker or minor house repairs, can accumulate. When they do, they loom large and seem unconquerable. Take care of these things as soon as possible.

Tip #5 Talk to a trusted friend, relative, pastor, or counselor.

Talk therapy helps with a wide variety of mental health issues, including PTSD and other anxiety-driven issues. Air your feelings and details about your experiences. Select a companion who is empathetic and understanding, and who will help you conquer your PTSD.

Tip #6 Seek out professional help.

To overcome PTSD, seek the help of mental health professional. Your local psychiatrist will meet with you, get to know your thoughts and feelings, and give you real help. Dr. Mark Stracks can provide counseling, medications, and even tele-psychiatry services to put you on the path to wellness.

Deal With PTSD Triggers with the Help of an Experienced Psychiatrist

At Psy-Visions, Dr. Mark Strack has the experience and compassion to help you feel like yourself again. Get the relief you deserve. Call our office at (718) 887-2918 today to arrange an appointment, or request an appointment online. We are proud to serve New York City and the Southbury, Connecticut, area.


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