Common Myths Associated With PTSD

The average person without training in psychiatry can easily fall for myths associated with post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. It is important that we separate facts from myths when it comes to the disorder. Why? Because it hurts people who have PTSD and spreads misinformation. Being unable to separate truth from fiction can push people with traumatic experiences away from getting diagnosed and treated.

Here are just a few of the common myths associated with PTSD.

“PTSD is a disorder unique to people who served in the military.”

Yes, it’s true that some people who served in the armed forces developed PTSD. However, it is not unique to them. People in all fields of work and environments, including children and teens, can develop PTSD. Many people who have PTSD developed the condition after a traumatic event in their lives. A lot of women develop PTSD as a result from sexual harassment, abuse, and violence. People also develop the condition as a result from traumatic events or experiences they had as children.

“PTSD develops immediately after a traumatic event.”

PTSD can develop immediately after a traumatic event, but in many cases, it takes time to show symptoms. Just because the traumatic event happened years ago, doesn’t mean it cannot affect you presently. PTSD symptoms usually begin within three months of the traumatic event. However, it’s also possible for symptoms to appear years after the event, usually triggered by a major life change. Additionally, symptoms can come and go. You may experience PTSD symptoms for a few weeks and then feel fine for several months before they return again.

“People with PTSD can get over it.”

PTSD can affect the way you think and reduce your quality of life. It is not something that you can simply get over. It takes a combination of treatments to successfully treat PTSD. While it’s true that some people can return to normal life after a traumatic experience, it is very doubtful that there are no repercussions to simply burying it. You may think you’ve successfully worked through it when, in fact, you’ve only developed unhealthy coping mechanisms or adopted a warped view of the world. The nature of PTSD makes it particularly difficult for sufferers to recognize it themselves. This is why the help of family and friends is necessary. If you notice a loved one experiencing symptoms of PTSD, encourage them to speak with a professional and seek treatment.

PTSD Treatment in Southbury, Connecticut

If you are experiencing unpleasant symptoms due to a traumatic experience in the past, you may have PTSD. Fortunately, this is not a life-long sentence with no relief in sight. PTSD is very much treatable and seeking treatment can bring you a lot of relief.

At Psy-Visions, we provide highly individualized psychiatric care to our patients. No two experiences are alike, which is why you can trust that your treatment will be tailored to you alone.

If you are seeking a doctor who truly cares about the welfare of his patients and wants to see them live normal, happy, and productive lives, contact Dr. Mark Stracks today. To make an appointment, call (203) 405-1745 or request an appointment now.

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