OCD Treatment Options

Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are plagued by intrusive thoughts and excessive fears that spur them to do repetitive acts as a way to ease the stress. To explicate, the term “obsessive” refers to the unwanted, distressing thoughts or sensations, while “compulsive” refers to the behaviors a person engages in to soothe their distress. These […]

Access Help Through Therapy During Suboxone Withdrawal

Suboxone is a medication prescribed to patients who are addicted to opiates. It has two active ingredients: buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine works by inhibiting opioid receptors, thereby reducing a person’s urges. Naloxone works by binding to opioid receptors and tricking the brain into thinking it still has access to opiates, thereby suppressing a person’s symptoms. […]