Living Your Best Life with Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by alternating emotional highs and lows, which are referred to as manic and depressive episodes. A manic episode is marked by excitement and impulsive behavior, while a depressive episode is marked by a lack of energy and low self-esteem. If you’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, its symptoms […]
Finding the Right Treatment for ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that causes hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and difficulty staying focused. It can impact a variety of aspects of life, ranging from education to work performance to relationships. It’s generally an issue thought of as a concern in children, but adults can suffer from ADHD not diagnosed during childhood, as […]
What are the Different Types of Bipolar Disorder?

People who suffer from bipolar disorder suffer from wide-ranging symptoms. Bipolar episodes give them fits of mania where they may feel invulnerable – only to be brought crashing down by major depressive feelings that can occur at any time with no discernible cause. These episodes can be frequent or rare, which can make the condition […]
5 Secret Signs of Hidden Depression

Many people assume it is easy to spot the signs of depression. Sometimes, though – especially in milder cases – depression doesn’t involve crying or feeling obviously unhappy all the time. Sometimes the signs are more subtle. People with hidden depression often don’t want to acknowledge the severity of their depressive feelings in the hope, […]
Bipolar Disorder: Why Do I Feel More Depressed in the Fall?

Autumn’s crisp air and brightly colored foliage bring to mind family gatherings, cozy evenings by the fireplace, and the advent of the holiday season. But some people find themselves feeling down when summer gives way to fall and days shorten. If your mood changes when fall comes around, you’re not alone. Seasonal affective disorder, or […]
How Dementia Patients Can Benefit from Regular Psychiatric Visits
Many people assume that getting forgetful is just an unavoidable part of aging, but dementia goes beyond normal forgetfulness. There are different types and causes of dementia. If you or a loved one is noticing changes in thinking or the ability to function, a comprehensive exam by an experienced psychiatrist is essential. Continuing psychiatric care […]
The Difference Between Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Mental health issues can be difficult for the people who suffer from them as well as for the people around them. It’s even more challenging when there’s a misdiagnosis – and two of the most commonly misdiagnosed mood disorders are bipolar disorder and depression. Although these two conditions have similar symptoms, these are different illnesses […]